30 Days, 30 Articles: While Managing 20+ Tenants And Moving-Up In My Corporate Finance Job; Time For A Break—Maybe I’ll Be Back in 1 Day Or 1 Year

It was just another 30 days on the calendar, or so I thought. If someone had told me I would publish 30 articles in 30 days, while managing over 20 tenants, and dominating my demanding corporate finance job all at once, I might have laughed. But here I am, a living testament that there truly […]

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September 11, 2001: A Day Of National Tragedy Through My Eyes

5:45 a.m. PDT / 8:45 a.m. EDT: That morning, as I was getting ready for what I thought would be another day at Norwalk High School, the world was shifting in unimaginable ways. American Airlines Flight 11 had just crashed into the North Tower of the World Trade Center in New York City. As I […]

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From Clutter To Clarity: A Brutal Awakening Through Minimalism

The day it all crumbled, I felt a visceral rage—a ferocity ignited by the staggering realization of my own entrapment. Everywhere I looked, I was caged by clutter—mental, emotional, and physical. Meaningless possessions, suffocating commitments, and a never-ending chase of hollow aspirations. It was an insult to the very essence of life. Consumerism had made […]

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The Loudest Person In The Room Is The Weakest

You’ve seen them. You’ve heard them. You can’t miss them. That one person who walks into any setting and thinks they own the place, belting out their opinions as if they’re the gospel truth. Their voice cuts through conversations, piercing the air, desperately vying for attention. But here’s a brutal, no-holds-barred truth: the loudest person […]

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Greed Is Good: Be Greedy About Your Time, Your Peace, And Your Financial Freedom

For too long, society has painted greed as the ultimate sin. But what if we’ve had it wrong? What if greed, not patience or meekness, was the key to unlocking unparalleled success? Dive with me into the depths of this untamed force and discover how harnessing your innate greed can catapult you into a realm […]

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Money Never Sleeps: Take What’s Yours Before It’s Too Late

In the fierce battlefield of financial warfare, one truth reigns supreme: money never sleeps. Every second you’re not fighting for that extra dollar, someone else is conquering that territory. Like a relentless army advancing, opportunities are seized or missed in the blink of an eye. In this ruthless combat for wealth, there is only one […]

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Room Rental Revolution: Transforming Empty Rooms Into Real Estate And Financial Empires

Alright, pay close attention because what I’m about to lay down is the kind of advice that can catapult you from mediocrity to downright financial domination. I’m not here to sugarcoat things. If you’ve got idle rooms just lying around, you’re not just missing out, you’re practically throwing away a fortune! Renting an extra room […]

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