Where Does Inspiration Come From? - HI. I'M ED. - BLOG.EDESCOTO.COM

[Average read time: 2 minutes]

  1. Inspiration doesn’t normally come from watching television.
  2. Inspiration sometimes comes from listening to a speech.
  3. Inspiration often comes while reading a book.
  4. Good inspiration comes from bad ideas, but only if there are enough of them.
  5. Inspiration hates conference rooms, especially conference rooms where there is criticism, personal attacks, or boredom.
  6. Inspiration occurs when unique universes collide.
  7. Inspiration often strives to meet your expectations. If people expect it to appear, it usually does.
  8. Inspiration fears experts, but it adores a beginner’s mind.
  9. Inspiration comes in spurts, until it scares you. Willie Nelson wrote three of his biggest hits in one week.
  10. Inspiration comes from trouble.
  11. Inspiration comes from our ego, and it does its best when it is generous and selfless.
  12. Inspiration comes from nature.
  13. Sometimes inspiration comes from fear, but it often comes from confidence.
  14. Useful inspiration comes from being awake; alert enough to actually notice its presence.
  15. Sometimes inspiration sneaks in when we’re asleep and too numb to be afraid.
  16. Inspiration comes out of the corner of the eye, or in the shower when we’re not trying.
  17. Mediocre inspiration enjoys copying what is working right this minute.
  18. Selfless inspiration dominates the mediocre one.
  19. Inspiration doesn’t need a passport and relentlessly crosses borders (of all kinds).
  20. Inspiration must come from somewhere, because if it merely stays where it is and doesn’t join us, it’s forever hidden. And hidden inspiration doesn’t ship, has no influence, no intersection with the people who need it. It dies, alone.

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About Ed

Ed Escoto is a dad to two cool kids! Other than his kids, his passions revolve around creating things and adding life to his years.

He is an Analyst, writer, self-proclaimed minimalist, and the author of seven books in multiple genres. Several of his books became Amazon #1 Best Sellers and #1 New Releases. His most recent book was My First Spanish Numbers Colors Shapes – the fifth book in his children’s book series [DH Books].

Divorced Before 30 was his debut into writing. He shares his story about overcoming the challenges of divorce, moving forward, and becoming a better version of himself. He shares everything: the ups, the downs, and every OH SHIT moment in between.

His life was planned out and then life happened! Married and divorced before his 30th birthday, started several businesses, but most failed, and a career that once focused entirely on numbers is now a combination of numbers, words, and art.