The Silent Killer Among Us

As we make our way through life, a silent killer is among us. It doesn’t brandish a weapon, nor does it scream threats. Instead, it whispers sweet nothings of comfort, luring us into a deadly embrace. This killer is the comfort zone. And while we recline in its soft arms, we commit a death by […]

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From Potter’s Son to King: Agathocles of Syracuse’s Ruthless Roadmap To Dominate And Win

In the annals of history, many names echo with the resonance of greatness, yet some remain shrouded in the mists of obscurity. One such name is Agathocles, a figure from ancient Syracuse, whose tale of tenacity and ruthlessness provides a blueprint for those seeking to obliterate hurdles and attain mastery in the hyper-competitive world we […]

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AI Bots, Beef & Broccoli, And Beds: Make Sure Your Income Doesn’t Get Automated Away

Today, as I rolled into the Panda Express drive-thru, hungry for a hearty serving of beef and broccoli and walnut shrimp, I was met not with the familiar crackle of a human voice over the intercom, but the silk-smooth tones of an AI bot ready to process my poultry needs. “Welcome to Panda Express, how […]

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Say Goodbye To Your Mortgage And Bills Forever With House Hacking And Room Rentals

In a world where financial freedom seems like a distant dream, the concept of house hacking emerges as a knight in shining armor. It’s not just a buzzword; it’s a strategic maneuver to live for free, letting the extra bedroom in your home foot the bill for your mortgage and utility bills. Yes, you read […]

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The Eerie Correlation Between The Fed Funds Rate, The Lag Effect, And Recessions

The relationship between the Federal Reserve’s (Fed) rate hike cycles and subsequent economic recessions has been a subject of extensive analysis. After reviewing data spanning 70 years, a trend emerged—from the first rate hike, it takes three years, on average, to see the onset of a recession. As is the case with the law of […]

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Beyond Possessions: The Rise of the Minimalist Economy

In recent years, a fresh wave of minimalism has begun to ripple through modern economies, reshaping our values and consumer behaviors. This transformative trend is steering us away from the allure of physical possessions towards a newfound love for experiences. The minimalist economy, as it’s now being dubbed, signifies more than just a shift in […]

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Room Rental Revolution: Harnessing the Power of House Hacking and Furnished Room Rentals

In the modern era of financial ingenuity, “house hacking” is a term that has started resonating with many aspiring homeowners and future real estate investors. It refers to a strategy where individuals purchase a multi-unit property, live in one unit, and rent out the others. This practice has been lauded for its ability to offset […]

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