About Edgar and His Blog
Every day I’m hustling…not really, but I’ve always wanted to say that!
Edgar Escoto here, Writer and Head Dork of this blog.
I’m a dad to two cool kids. After that, I’m a Corporate Finance guy by day, entrepreneur, and writer after dark. Like most people, I have my ups and downs, which can be stressful, but I learn something new every day.
I started this site because I believe in the hustle. After all, what’s riskier: starting a business, or relying on your job as your only source of income?
Like I said, I work full-time, but I’m building my biz nights and weekends. You can do it too.
I’m not here to sell you on the idea that you can go from having a full-time job to being a successful entrepreneur overnight. Anyone who makes that promise is full of shit. But I can show you how to go from zero to one – how to take the very first step.
Everyone has their own reasons to side hustle:
- Earn more money
- Pay off debt
- Learn new skills
- Use free time more productively
- Make an impact
What’s my reason? These two selfish selfie takers…
I believe in you. Whatever your reason, I’m here to help. This site shows my successes and failures, as well as the actionable lessons life has given me. My life is not all about business and working, so I’ll also share some of the personal stuff too.
This is about the experiments along the way, the journey. But it’s also about building a future of real financial freedom.
You have the power to steer your own financial destiny.
Take the first step and join me.
Will You Join Me?
20 Random Facts About Edgar
- If you speak to me in Spanglish and/or memes, I’ll understand you.
- I have failed at many, many things. But I’ve had a few wins too.
- I married my high school sweetheart and lived happily ever after. Just kidding.
- Even though I’ve lived in Texas for almost 10 years, I still love LA and rock my 310 number.
- A few years ago, I Threw Out Everything I Owned.
- I hate the word ‘deserve’ – no one deserves anything. You get what you work for.
- I know way more about installing car seats than anyone should.
- I never expected to own a minivan. Not anymore, but I still have nightmares about it.
- I am lucky enough to have a good career, great boss and friends, and spend quality time with my kids.
- I suck at folding clothes, and apparently dating too. Still single, but making progress.
- I believe collecting frequent flyer miles is better than collecting stuff.
- I once broke my wrist because I was playing on the monkey bars in the rain.
- You know those one-size-fits-all anything? They’re always too small for me
- I am aggressively patient.
- I love productivity, but have never used Evernote.
- There are few things I dislike more than laundry.
- I rarely wash fruit before I eat it, and I’m still alive. That’s how I roll.
- Every day I try to Become a More Courageous Person.
- I still don’t know what I want to be when I grow up.
- My biggest pet peeve is seeing people live unhappy lives when they have complete control over their futures. By visiting this page today, you’re already one step closer.
So, what’s next? I’m glad you asked.
Join the thousands of other hustlers and dreamers who get my best stuff via email. No spam ever, unsubscribe any time.
Dream big,
P.S. Want to read some of my best stuff while you wait for my next email? Here’s some of my faves:
Business & Performance
- Be So Good They Can’t Ignore You
- Slow Your Roll [5 Tips to Starting the Right Way]
- 100 FREE Online Business Courses [Harvard and Other Top Universities]
- 6 Life Changing Benefits to Having a Side Hustle
- 7 Things I Value More Than Money and Success
- 10 Important Skills They Don’t Teach in School
- 13 Unique Tips to Being a Better Writer
- I Threw Out Everything I Owned
- My Whole Life is Worth $561
- 9 Surprising Benefits to Being a Minimalist